Quilter on the Run

Quilter On the Run

Quilting Instructor, Professional Quilter, Always on the Run

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Author Designer Teacher Kris Vierra

my mom
As a quilter, I’m supposed to blog about quilting stuff, right? and I will.  I promise. But first, I want to talk a little bit about my mother. My mom just turned 69.  She’s 5’2″ and 110 pounds soaking wet.  Doesn’t sound like she would be a runner, but she is.  She ran her first marathon at 55, in 4 hours and 13 minutes. That’s just over 9 minute miles! When she first started running in her 50’s, she tried to give me all of her clothes that she “in grew”.  I was 31.  I DID NOT want anything that was given to me by my mother because she was skinnier than me!  Fast forward 14 years. She is still kicking my butt when it comes to running and exercise.  Don’t get me wrong. I’m not in bad shape. I’m just not in really good shape.  As a quilter, the only thing that runs at my house is my Longarm. I’m OK with that.  So what could she possible say to me that could ever make me consider running a mile. Let alone a 12K?  “It’s in San Fransisco. I’ll take you if you run with me.” Now sure, there are lots of easier ways to get to San Francisco. I just turned 45 and I’m tired of my mother being in better shape than I am.  So I’m ready for a change and the added incentive of getting to go to San Fransisco tipped the scales.  Of course, you probably don’t get to go to Ghiradelli’s to celebrate after the race, but life is full of trade offs. By now you are probably asking yourself what this has to do with quilting, if anything.  Well I’ll tell you.  I run a full-time long arming business averaging around 150 customer quilts a year; I’m married to a railroader, so in a lot of ways I’m a single parent to 13 and 16-year-old boys.  Not that he doesn’t help out, but he’s not home very much.  If that wasn’t enough, I also teaching quilting all over the place.  Don’t get me wrong,  I love my life, and I wouldn’t change a thing, but it doesn’t leave me a lot of time to get in shape. So for the next 6 months, I need to find ways to workout while I’m quilting. Diet of course plays a very important role in losing weight, and I will definitely have to change the way I eat. (I freely admit I’m addicted to carbs) It won’t, however, help you run up and down the hills in San Francisco.  To that end, I am going to be revamping my studio, making it less efficient, but hopefully helping me workout more and get in that all important step count.  I’m also going to be improving how I work, trying to include various exercises between quilting passes, and piecing tops.  Of course, I will have to eventually find some time to actually start running on the treadmill, but for that I will have to improve my time management skills. Along the way, I’ll share tips and tricks for working out, setting up your studio to help you move more, and of course some cool quilts and quilting tricks.  Because of course, it’s all about quilter and quilts. So come join me as I start this adventure, and see if I can actually lose weight while quilting.  If nothing else, it should be a wild ride!

6 Responses

  1. This is great Kris. I did get a chuckle since I started running at 53, ran my first marathon at 55 with a similar time to your mom’s, (and my son then trained and ran a marathon – he’s a bit competitive) but weigh a lot more since then. I am looking forward to the enjoyment of reading this blog and taking a few pointers from you. Good luck with your training. ~ Kathryn ~
    PS – core work – yep, planking is a running requirement.

    1. Good for you. I have yet to run a marathon, and am not sure I am up for it, but I have a lot of respect for people that do. Thanks for the encouragement. I hope we can both get in better shape.

  2. First let me say it was so nice to meet and talk with you at MQX2016 Midwest. I’m sure with all of the people there you don’t remember me, but I wanted to tell you it was nice meeting you. I feel I cheated myself for not taking one of your classes at MidWest and that will be corrected the next time I see one of your classes close by. Following now to see where this workout goes and to join in. I might not run a 12K but would like to walk up the stairs to my studio without being out of breath and not have to sit for a moment when I get there to catch my breath.

    1. Thanks, it was nice to meet you too. I’m sorry you didn’t get all of the classes you wanted. Hopefully, I will be back in Springfield in 2017. Don’t worry about running a 12k this is more about feeling better about yourself and achieving your own fitness goals.

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